Saturday, October 4, 2008


This picture was taken during my diploma years when I was with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Orchestra. An orchestra comprise of a group of performers on various instrument. Within an orchestra, there will be interaction and interdependence between the members.

Why would musicians want to join an orchestra when he can perform by his own as a soloist? The reason is group synergy. It is very true that what you achieve as a group is far more than what you can achieve from your ownself. As a soloist, all you will be able to play is a single melody line. However, in an orchestra, you will be able to play with the whole entire group of other musicians and perform a symphony or concerto. The tone of the piece would definitely be richer and the experience would be far more enriching as musicians will be able to learn from each other and to also learn how to work with the playing styles of others.

It is important that the group (orchestra) is cohesive as groups who are tightly knitted together will be able to lend each other support, hence put in more commitment. I have performed in many orchestras before and I've seen the different ways of how the members of different orchestra mingle with each other. Group communication with each other is a key point to how we can perform as a whole on the stage. As in an orchestra, it's divided into many different sections. Let's take the section I was in, the cello section. We had to practise hard together and make sure our playing is unison before we practise with the rest of the orchestra.

How then is one able to really interact and become a part of a group? Group socialisation process comes in five stages, and as an ex member of the National Singapore Youth Orchestra, Tanjong Katong Girls School string ensmeble etc, I have experienced all five of them. When I first decide to audition for a particular orchestra I was a prospective member. Then when I was accepted, I became a new member of the group. I had to peform any role or parts that was assigned to me to gain "credits" so as to gain the trust of my section leader. Subsequently, after performing in few concerts, I was promoted to a full member, of which I became the section leader thus having the power to influence others. And when I had increasing personal commitments, I went for lesser practises and participated in less concerts. At that point of time, I took on the role as an advisor (marginal member) to the juniors. Finally, when I realised the juniors have what it takes to excel, I left the orchestra totally, and now, with the label of an ex-member.

It is a very interesting process and I do not regret any bit of it because I had very valuable experience performing in an orchestra.


Kai Siang said...

Throughout our lives, we move in and out of groups and that is what shapes our views and thinking. Had we live our lives alone, how would our mindsets be like?

Zed Ngoh said...

Looking back at the experiences we've had, one cannot help but realise that we have already been practising whatever we have been studying in school.

A wise man told me: 'We already have all the answers inside of us, but sometimes we need someone else to tell it to us.'

kyun said...

Hey xuemin, I finally found your blog!

I've never played in such a huge group, like in an orchestra before. It must be an interesting and different experience. As a orchestra, what you can achieve is more than what you can do alone as a soloist. However, just being in a group is not enough. You have to be able to understand your group mates and know how to bring out the best in each other. And I'm pretty sure you did just that, since you looked like you have taken many different positions during your many performances and experiences in the many different orchestra you are in.

Fern Ru said...

Hey Quinn,
I totally agree with what you shared...
True, playing in an orchestra is really different when you are playing as a soloist. As a member of the Keat Hong Chinese Orchestra, i have found it a challenging task to coordinate and learn others' playing style. It takes a group effort to achieve the goal of expressing through pieces what chinese culture was like in the past.
Pieces which i found challenging during my recent concert were la sa wu qu, nan dao ah li lang and many more.
I agree that in an orchestra, there will be interaction and interdependence between the members as with every mistake that each member in the group make, the music simply does not flow and interdependence is truly something which is important in an orchestra. One will have to listen to others and not just blindly playing throughout.
I also agree that commitment and support is what leads the group to success as being a member of Catholic Junior College’s guzheng ensemble, i learnt that to achieve in the Singapore Youth Festival, everyone has to be committed.
Yes,  I have gained a valuable experience of working with other members in the group
Thanks for sharing your views...had a great time reading about the group socialisation process...

Anonymous said...

Used to perform in military band during my secondary school days. Playing in groups let me learn how to work together with my section mates. The sense of satisfaction comes in when the audience applause and encoring, that really make us realize that our efforts had paid off. That is what I call Team Spirit.

Unknown said...

There is no one person who can live on this earth alone for his/her life. That in itself shows great importance to group synergy.

Being in a group teaches one how to communicate with others, embrace others thougts and opinions while incorporating own ideas. As long all conflicts are resolved harmoniously, all is possible within a group


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, I am sure many musicians will agree with you.

Shern Wong said...

Hi, I have never played in an Orchestra before. But I do play in a rock band and I must say that the escence of team spirt and communication are vital in both. A good singer/instrumentalist may sound good on his/her own. But with the power of a group behind them, they can sound awesome!

k r i s t y . w said...

It requires good teamwork and co-ordination in order for the orchestra to run smoothly. Everyone has to know their duties and places clearly. This will help contribute to a beautiful playing of a piece.

Alone, you make one single sound. Together, you make a symphony of harmonious melody. And that is infinitely more glorious. So yes, we can achieve great things when we can work in synergy as a cohesive group.

diet whipped cream said...

i believe an orchestra consists of people specializing in playing specific musical instruments.
a group functions when everyone plays their part.
different people have different attributes and contributes differently when functioning as a group.
assessing these strengths of each individual in a group will enable the group to better delegate specific roles to each of them, allowing each member to perform to their utmost ability.
diversity is a double-edged sword in a group, it's whether you allow it to separate the members or use it to overcome obstacles of different nature.

Geraldine said...
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Geraldine said...

hi quinn!

i was from choir before and i understand how its like to work in a huge group like an orchestra. Working in a group is a priceless experience and working together allows one to recognise their strengths and weaknesses. i would definitely choose to work in a group than to work alone!


Quinn said...

Well, I see that there's many of you out there who are musicians and been in a group before. It shows that group work is very important, and through different kinds of groups (Chinese orchestra for fern ru, military band for guo xin, choir for geraldine etc), you will be able to get a different experience.

For anti-socials out there, try cracking your shell, come out visit the real world and find out how interesting is it to work with and be in a group.

Anonymous said...

An Orchestra is a very good example of how talented and skilled individuals come together, working and bonding to create an incredible output, brillant music.

Everybody has a innate drive to shine through and be the best among the rest. Thus, it is all the amazing that a group of gifted individuals recognise the need to work together for the greater benefit of the group.

Going through the phases from a prospective member till the end as a ex member is a natural phase that everybody will encounter many times is our life. What is more important is the experience we gain from the process. It is not the end that matters, but the journey that we should treasure and take with us.

Fan said...

I totally agree with Group synergy
.I was a solo producer songwriter & kept everything to myself.Let's just put it as selfish.Just want to share my music with people who appreciates them now and i am looking forward to Group synergy.

Warmest regards,
Jack Fan

Anonymous said...

Attending and enjoying a good Orchestra concert is certainly a wonderful pleasure especially after a hectic day of hard work. But the combined toil and sweat of the musicians in presenting a fine performance is often taken for granted. Applause! Applause to the unsung heroes!